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Purchasing A Home Alarm System As A Gift For Someone Else

Gift Box For Home Alarm System

While most people probably wouldn’t think of giving or receiving a home alarm system as a gift it is a fairly common practice. Whether it’s a housewarming or a holiday gift a home alarm system can be a nice gesture – especially for those that are looking seriously at installing an alarm system. With the holiday season fast approaching it’s important to keep a few things in mind when purchasing a home alarm system as a gift for someone else.

Make Sure To Talk To The Other Person About The Home Alarm System First

We all like when our gifts to others are a secret before we give them, but when it comes to a home alarm system it’s best to at least discuss the purchase in some way before your purchase. A home alarm system is a great protector and is a wonderful addition to any home. However, a home alarm system also requires maintenance, monthly monitoring fees, and installation among other things. You don’t want to burden someone else if they’re not 100% sure they want a home alarm system installed at that particular time.

A Home Alarm System Often Requires A Monthly Fee

Another reason most people don’t think of a home alarm system as a gift is because it often comes with a monthly fee for monitoring. While some alarm systems don’t require a monthly fee, most do. Before purchasing a home alarm system as a gift for someone else think about the monthly fee or the possibility of one. Are you going to cover the monthly fee for that person as part of the gift? Will you have some other agreement between the gift-er and gift-ee? These are thing to think about before purchasing a home alarm system as a gift.

A Home Alarm System Often Requires A Contract

Home alarm system monitoring often requires a contract. In exchange for signing an agreement for monitoring you receive a hefty discount on the alarm system equipment. When purchasing a home alarm system as a gift for another it’s important to know how long the agreement is for and to discuss this with the person you may be giving the gift too. You don’t want to purchase a home alarm system for another person only to have them pay more money than you did for the equipment in monthly fees over the life of the contract, unless of course this was discussed prior to the purchase.

Purchasing a home alarm system as a gift can be very rewarding for both parties. However, as we said above it’s important to at least discuss this purchase and learn about all the costs involved with a home alarm system. While the expenditure is not overly excessive over the course of time, it’s not always fair to put an expense on another unless it has been discussed prior. Of course, if you purchase a home alarm system for another and purchase the equipment and pay for all the monitoring you won’t have to worry (and you be a great gift giver!).

One way to avoid having to saddle the expense on someone else is to pay the monthly fee for them or to prepay the fees when you purchase the home alarm system itself. Most alarm system companies will give you a discount of some kind for prepaying the monthly fees.

In conclusion, purchasing a home alarm system as a gift can be a great gesture and important to the person who receives one. Keep the above items in mind when thinking about purchasing a home alarm system for someone else. It could save a few unneeded headaches during holiday times!


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