Read Best Home Alarm System Reviews


Best Alarm Systems for Rentals or Apartments

A lot of people in the United States rent their home. Renting a home means that you can’t make a whole lot of structural changes to to inside of a home. That means adding a potentially “invasive” professionally installed alarm system. Aside from changing the integrity of the walls, you also might move. Why would any one want to spend money on an alarm system, only to have to leave it behind when the rent is up and you decide to move? The answer is pretty simple. You wouldn’t. None of that is worth it, and paying extra on your security deposit to NOT bring your alarm system with you is a big waste of money.

There are certain kinds of alarm systems that are good for renter or apartments. What makes the best alarm system for these places might be a little bit different than what you are used to. Up until recent alarm systems for renters were hard to come by. Most people rent their apartments for a year or less, so signing a multiple year contract is not necessarily ideal. In addition, having to pay a big amount up-front cost generally makes it not worth it. This up front cost (caused by a the contract) is is very similar to a cell phone contract. You either pay it, or get charged a cancellation fee. This is a great system for home owners who plan on being in a house for an extended period of time since it gives them a discount. But for renters, this might not be the best option.

Recently, a few alarm system companies have started marketing towards renters. They realize that over 66% of Americans rent homes and want to know how to expand into that territory. The Best alarm systems for renters are FrontPoint Security, Protect America and SafeMart. All 3 companies have good options for renters because they have flexible contracts. The best alarm systems for renters are also generally a DIY alarm system. It means that if you end up moving, you can bring it with you with relative ease.

Hopefully this will help you chose the best alarm system for your home if you’re a fellow renter. Everyone needs security, you just need to find the right kind!


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