Read Best Home Alarm System Reviews


Do I REALLY need an alarm system? YES.

We think that every family should definitely invest in an alarm system. This post is going to reiterate why we want you to invest in your future. Yes, it’s another expense that you will be paying every month, but we feel like it is always better to be safe and in many instances, alarm systems have actually saved families money. They are not just for cracking down on burglars, but can also allow you to maintain your home from afar.

Throughout history people have striven to find ways to protect their valuables. Whether that meant burying it in the sand and making a treasure map or hiring a guard, ways to protect your home and valuables has evolved. The creation of the home alarm system positively effected many lives. We want to go over a few statistics that might make you change your mind, take the plunge and invest in your own home alarm system.

Alarm System Figures

  • A home is broken in to every 13 seconds in the United States
  • Per the FBI, a burglary is the most common threat to a home
  • There are nearly 3 Million burglaries in the U.S. each year
  • About 1 in 10 cases of burglary are actually solved
  • Homes that have an alarm system installed are three times LESS likely to be broken in to

We’re not trying to scare you! The US is, by and large, a safe country. But bad things do happen and you do not necessarily know if you are going to be the target. The best hing that you can do is to educate yourself and learn to protect your home and valuables. It can happen to you, and hopefully these figures get you thinking a little. If you want to read some reviews for the best alarm systems, you have certainly come to the right place. Go check out our reviews and learn about individual systems and how they differ from one another. We sincerely believe that an alarm system is a investment in your future.