Top Alarm Systems For Power Outages
The top alarm systems should keep homeowners safe regardless of whether or not their home has power going to it.
Power failures are not an uncommon occurrence. Snow storms, hurricanes, and many other natural disasters can easily knock out a power line or transformer. Man-made disasters can be just as devastating. A drunk driver can run into a telephone pole and your power could be out for hours afterwards.
During these times, both violent and non-violent crimes seem to skyrocket. Thieves love going to work when the lights are out, because they know it will be much easier for them to get away with their crime. Power outages can cause people’s surveillance cameras, lights, and alarm systems to go out. This makes homeowners vulnerable and increases the likely hood that they will be victimized.
How would you keep your home safe during a power outage?
Luckily, homeowners don’t have to be left without protection during power outages. In this post, we’ll go over some of the steps homeowners can take to safeguard their homes when the power has gone out. Make use of the tips provided in this post and you’ll be protected even when the grid has gone down in your area.
Top Alarm Systems During Power Outages
The best alarm systems you can buy to prepare yourself for power outages are the ones with built-in battery backup systems. Many of the top alarm systems offer battery backup systems as part of their standard packages. For instance, ADT typically offers battery backup systems within their alarm systems that will work for a full 24 hours after the power has gone out. This will get most homeowners through their power failures without any trouble.
Other companies like SafeMart Home Security offer their battery backup systems for a small additional fee. Currently, you can get a 12 volt 5AH battery backup system with your SafeMart alarm system for only twelve extra dollars.

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In addition to the small battery backup systems offered by home security companies, you can also add your own battery banks as well. Buy a few extra batteries and keep them charged and you’ll be able to go a few additional days without losing power to your alarm system.
Lighting During Power Outages
In addition to having the top alarm systems with battery backups connected to them, you’ll also want to keep your house well illuminated during power outages. One easy way to do this is to get some solar flood lights. Since most homes will not have any lighting around their homes, you can almost bet that the thieves will go after those homes instead of yours.
The interior of your home can be kept lit through the use of rechargeable lanterns or old fashioned candles and kerosene lamps. Keeping the interior of your home lit will tell burglars that you have decided to stay in your home during the power outage and that they should steal from somebody who didn’t. Just make sure that if you use candles and kerosene that you actually do stay in your home, otherwise you might lose your house to a fire instead of a burglar.