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Where To Find Apartment Alarm Systems

Homeowners aren’t the only ones that need home security. Over 66% of Americans actually rent an apartment as opposed to owning a home, making homeowners the minority. Unfortunately, there haven’t been a whole lot of alarm system options for those that rent or live in an apartment.  In fact, apartment alarm systems are ALSO a minority.  This makes an apartment alarm system hard to find, but leaves many apartment dwellers in need of security.

The main reason apartment alarm systems are hard to find is most alarm companies require a multi-year contract such as a two or three year contract. Most only rent their apartments for a year or less, so signing a multiple year contract is not ideal and paying a large amount up-front may not be worth it.  Alarm companies offer large discounts on equipment when you sign up for alarm service for two or three years, kind of the same way a cell phone company can give you a phone for free or little cost because they’re guaranteed you’ll be a paying customer for 2-3+ years. This is a benefit not only to the company but also the consumer. Although it didn’t work out very well for those who couldn’t guarantee they’d need or want alarm service in a few years.

Until recently an apartment alarm system was hard to come by, at least a GOOD apartment alarm system. However, a few alarm companies out there didn’t forget the renter community when creating their alarm systems and service. Several companies on AlarmSystemReport’s Best Alarm Systems list offer great options for renters:

FrontPoint Security offers easily installable apartment alarm systems and short contract terms for renters. FrontPoint offers a one year contract that requires no “qualifications” that is available to all customers.  It is ideal for an alarm system for a renter because FrontPoint’s systems are Do It Yourself systems and can be installed easily by the customer.  FrontPoint also allows you to move your alarm system with you to a new home – all you do is take the system with you and re-install it in the new home then call them with your new address.  This is great for both a homeowner’s and renter’s alarm system needs adding a lot of flexibility.

Protect America also offers Do It Yourself alarm systems and are a good option for apartment alarm systems.  Protect America systems can also be moved and their offerings range in flexibility depending on your situation.  Protect America consultants can assist you with a package put together based on your living space.

SafeMart is another option for apartment alarm systems because of the Do It Yourself model.  In fact, all three companies on this list use the GE Simon XT and GE Wireless Alarm Sensors as part of their offerings – which make them great for apartment alarm systems.  SafeMart also offers shorter agreements with flexibility and the ability to move the system with you.

All three alarm companies provide monitored alarm systems which Alarm System Report recommends.  If you’re interested in getting an alarm system for your rental home or apartment these are three great companies to look at.   It’s good to see these companies changing the game with apartment alarm system options and flexibility for alarm monitoring contract lengths.