Read Best Home Alarm System Reviews


Wireless Alarm Systems: The BEST Choice

Wireless alarm systems are taking over the alarm industry.  The traditional methods of hard wiring and drilling during alarm installation are taking a back seat to a technology that is becoming much easier to use and maintain.  That technology is wireless and it is Alarm System Report’s opinion that wireless alarm systems are the best of the best.

Read Alarm System Report’s Reviews of The Best Wireless Alarm Systems

There are a few reasons why wireless home security is the best home security.  First and foremost is the reliability of wireless alarm systems.  Traditional alarm systems use hard wiring.  Wires can corrode over time and be difficult to maintain or replace later.  Not to mention the difficulty of finding out which sensor is malfunctioning if you ever have a problem. Wireless alarm systems use sensors without wires, of course, so you don’t need to worry about re-wiring or doing any additional drilling later.  Replacing sensors is as easy as popping them off the wall and replacing them with a new one.  Once the system is installed originally it will need very little maintenance and should last a very long time.

Alarm System Report’s Top Wireless Alarm Companies:

Secondly, wireless alarm systems are extremely easy to install.  With most wireless alarm systems you can perform a simply Do It Yourself installation.  This cuts down significantly on your installation time.  Most wireless alarm systems with the DIY method take less than an hour to install.

Difference Between Wireless & Hard Wired Home Alarm Systems

Another great thing about wireless alarm systems are the ability to add on to the system later.  Most folks will want to go all out with their initial alarm installation but may forget something or have budget limitations.  With wireless alarm systems you can add on later, whether it’s another motion sensor, cameras, light controls or other wireless home automation devices.  This is great if you want to get your home secured and add on some “cool” stuff like a thermostat later.

Wireless alarm systems are also great if you move often or end up moving at some point during your alarm contract.  With most wireless alarm systems you can simply shut them off, take them down and move them with you.  Once you get to your new home you simply re-install the wireless alarm sensors (the alarm company can help you add devices if needed) and call the company to let them know your change of address.  Some alarm companies do offer re-installation of hard wired alarm systems if you move, but the hassle of having someone come out to your brand new home and run wires everywhere isn’t appealing to most new homeowners.

Overall wireless alarm systems are the best of the best when it comes to new home security.  Almost all alarm companies are now offering wireless alarm systems, but only a few who truly do it right.  Some of the companies Alarm System Report recommends for wireless home security are: